The funds will be used to consolidate the Company’s leading position in France and strengthen its effort on the SMB opportunity with a dedicated offering, as well as to deploy in high potential European countries.

The Company also plans to invest in R&D to enrich its offering and maintain product superiority.

Founded in 1998 and based in Lyon, Fœderis is a pioneer in Talent Management in France. It provides businesses with a comprehensive suite of tools covering the whole scope of Talent Management with a modular approach, including recruiting, compensation and performance management, skills planning, workforce planning as well as training. Originally launched as an on-premise software, the product successfully transitioned to a SaaS solution thanks to the Company’s 100% proprietary and solid architecture. It now offers a fully adaptable and customizable SaaS solution to both large accounts and SMBs across a wide range of sectors (Industry, Banking & Insurance, Services, Public Institutions), and is used to manage over 2 million employees in France and in neighboring countries.

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