Clipperton’s CSR commitments
At Clipperton, we pride ourselves on assisting leading innovators in their strategic and financial development. We are at the heart of all things tech and entrepreneurship. Clipperton committed itself to numerous initiatives and helps out those who do not have straightforward access to education or training in the fields we are most passionate about.
SOS MEDITERRANEE is a European civil sea rescue association. It was created in the spring of 2015 thanks to the mobilization of citizens determined to act in the face of the humanitarian catastrophe of shipwrecks in the central Mediterranean.
It’s vocation is to provide assistance, without any discrimination and to treat with dignity, any person in distress at sea, in compliance with international maritime law.
SOS MEDITETERRANEE is a humanitarian association, independent of all political parties, and denominations. It is founded on respect for people and their dignity, whatever their nationality, origin, social, religious, political or ethnic background.
Clipperton’s donation in 2024 resulted in 216 days of food on board for a survior.
L’enfant@l’hôpital association has been in existence for over 30 years, and its mission is still the same: to restore the desire to learn in children weakened by illness or disability.
Not only does it operate throughout France, but it also works in all kinds of departments: in ULIS classes in schools, collèges and lycées, hospitals, especially in child and adolescent psychiatry departments, and in institutes for children with disabilities.
Via Kolibri, its unique interactive web-appli, its Solidarity Travelers send reports from the four corners of the world, including photos, videos, challenges and riddles, and respond personally to young people.
Every day, a network of young volunteer interns and volunteers visits hospitals, care centers, medical-social establishments and schools hosting ULIS (Unités Localisées pour l’Inclusion Scolaire – localized units for school inclusion).
Clipperton’s donation in 2024 resulted in 291 hours of travel workshops for hospitalized child.
Founded by citizens, sea lovers and parents concerned not to leave an environmental debt to their children, the No Plastic In My Sea association aims to fight against plastic pollution at source.
The association goals are to alert people to the environmental and health issues surrounding plastic, and advocating the reduction of unnecessary and toxic plastics, promoting a more sensible use of plastic among the media, consumers, children, local authorities and businesses and fighting against the various forms of single-use plastic and referencing less polluting alternatives.
Clipperton’s donation in 2024 resulted in 194 people committed to reducing unnecessary plastics.
Les Clowns Sthéthoscopes is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901. It is a member of FFACH (Fédération Française des Associations de Clowns Hospitaliers).
Faithful to the principles and values of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), the association seeks to reconcile economic activity and social utility through the development of an activity that creates social links and solidarity in healthcare environments.
The association’s mission is to work with care teams or supervisors to organize regular visits by clown artists to care facilities and/or specialized social or educational structures, contribute to improving the quality of life of the people (children and/or adults) cared for in these structures, whatever their disorders, and that of the staff of these structures, offer ongoing training so that clowns can adapt their practice to the hospital environment and raise funds to perpetuate current interventions and develop new intervention programs in wards that are waiting for clowns to come in.
Clipperton’s donation in 2023 resulted in 119 hospitalized children visited by clowns.
The creation of the WeeeFund Association in May 2017 by Cyprien Lefebvre and Théo Fayolle aims to make a more caring society. WeeeFund’s first challenge is to reduce electronic waste: 3,000,000 company computers in working order and less than 4 years old are destroyed each year in France in the recycling sector. The second challenge is to fight against digital exclusion: 17% of the French population is non-internet users, and 40% of the socially disadvantaged have digital difficulties.
Their mission is to create partnerships with local authorities and businesses to equip and support beneficiaries. The beneficiaries are people who are far from employment, residents of disadvantaged neighborhoods, people with disabilities, first-time arrivals, people undergoing social reintegration, and people in precarious social situations.
Clipperton’s donation in 2023 resulted in 63 hours of digital training given to job seekers.
Kloros’ mission is to manage forests sustainably. With close-to-nature forestry (Pro silva), they believe they can optimize French forests’ carbon sequestration and enable forests to reach their full potential.
Kloros supports companies, local authorities, and private individuals who wish to become involved in a carbon strategy for the benefit of the forest such as forest management, carbon offsetting/contribution, CSR support, and carbon strategy with the optimization of forest carbon capture through forest management close to nature. Their principles are to support natural processes, no clear-cutting, respect for biodiversity, no monoculture, no chemicals, fight against imported deforestation, work with local companies, and optimize carbon capture.
Clipperton’s donation in 2023 has resulted in 29 363 m2 of sustainably managed forests.
SOS Children’s villages is a non-political international humanitarian association dedicated to the long-term care of orphans and abandoned children. For more than 60 years, it has been caring for children without parental support or at risk of losing it, in France and around the world.
SOS Children’s Villages has developed the ‘Pygmalion program’ for academic success. It has been deployed since 2014 in the 17 SOS Villages in France, welcoming 1000 children in total. This program aims at preventing dropouts and school failures as well as reconciling children with school. It also focuses on increasing the number of completed school courses or diplomas obtained and reducing school gaps.
Clipperton’s donations in 2022 resulted in 982 hours of tutoring to children of the SOS Villages.
CHAMS is a non-profit startup that builds and operates coding schools and entrepreneurship boot camps, in and near refugee camps, aiming to train 10’000 students by 2025. The non-profit has designed a peer-to-peer tech education solution to train cohorts of 30 to 300 students. CHAMS partners with local and international stakeholders in refugee host countries, and has initiated their operations in Jordan and Kenya.
CHAMS aims to connect refugees with European startups for a remote internship after 6 months of coding training, as a professionalization engine. This will allow the students to integrate into the market and it opens the opportunity for startups to engage in a tech diversity social act globally.
Clipperton’s donations in 2022 resulted in 602 hours of coding classes given to refugees for a 6-month program.
Eartship Sisters is an incubator enabling women to unleash their leadership and entrepreneurial qualities to accelerate the ecological transition.
Each year, Earthship Sisters supports women of all ages and social and geographical backgrounds in a human and entrepreneurial adventure that leads to the creation of companies or intra-companies with an impact on the social and solidarity economy. From entrepreneurship to self-confidence and resilience, women experience a unique learning approach towards sustainable leadership and environmental agency. Sailing is the catalyst of lessons around leadership and teamwork.
Clipperton’s donations in 2022 resulted in 9 women unleashing their environmental leadership and entrepreneurial skills.
You can discover Clipperton’s impact further on NooS’ platform.
We also pride ourselves on being a donor to ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action) since 2018. ALIMA is a medical humanitarian organization based in Dakar, Senegal, that has been saving lives since 2009 in emergency situations in Africa.
ALIMA’s unique model focuses on building alliances and promoting collaboration between local health workers, national medical organizations, and researchers. ALIMA strives to transform humanitarian medicine by fostering research and innovation to improve care and help communities prepare for the future.
ALIMA has treated more than 10 million patients in 14 countries and launched more than 30 research projects – notably on malnutrition, maternal and child health, malaria, Ebola and COVID-19. This work has won several international awards.
We are very proud to support ALIMA in their work.
Read more about ALIMA here: